Now that the Chain of naked vlogging videos are popping out on Youtube (literally), it just makes me wonder about this American culture of ours.
I am besides myself that we remain such a puritan society about nudity, let alone sex. I fully realize this country was started by overly dressed pilgrims afraid to even disrobe in the dark in front of anyone and that they believed the body was a temple of sin if we gave into the lust of the flesh.
Is it me or does any one else wanna go back in time and drop kick those pricks back over the ocean. Why couldn't the pilgrims have been a group of nudist pagans looking for a field to dance around naked in? I am pretty sure the Indians would have like the white man better if we paraded around naked like a bunch of hippies at Woodstock.
So why do we so sacredly hold on to this belief when other countries seemed to have made the leap. On any given day, providing its warm, a french citizen will gleefully throw off their clothes to sit on a beach on the Cote` Azur in the buff with out the bat of an eye. and it doesn't matter the age.
As an American visiting France, i basically pissed off the girl i took over there because of the head whipping force my eyes were causing, staring at all the breasts there. but that's a natural American reaction, WOW BOOBIES, i Must see them ALL!
But after a few days of wondering why i was getting migraines from neck strain, it dawned on me. At the age of 24 i had an epiphany. Look at how beautiful the landscape is when it is covered with the human body of any age and gender. And what stood out the most, contrary to my American up bringing, it seems so "normal" to just be topless or naked in such a way that the residents there didn't drop on their hind quarters and start howling at all the moons there. there was such an appreciation of the human body it transcended any hint of sex.
I adopted that attitude for the rest of my entire life. Our American culture is all to ready to embrace or glorify violence over nudity unless of course you will be nude and violent, then that seems ok. But god forbid a woman or man, stepping calmly onto a beach semi nude or completely nude, do the puritans start screaming "Satan has left the tanning salon and stepped off into the sand". frankly, the only people screaming that are the people no one would want to see naked any way. lets just say they let their bodies reform in the the un-molded clay it once was?
Isn't that just the thought right there? On network news, they will proudly show, with a small warning, half a dozen bodies being thrown across the sky like human rain drops, yet blur any nude body that might be in the next story? Hang on, my brain just tilted like a pinball machine, i am resetting now.
According to psychology, two thoughts circumnavigate the brain every seven seconds - sex and death. every advertising commercial hints at either of those thoughts. there is a 70 billion dollar a year of porn bought in the USA alone, yet no one admits to buying it. Instead of teaching our children about the responsibility of sex, we feed them birth control at ages as early as 5th grade.
(yes there are well over 1700 middle schools in the USA that have that policy). did you ever wonder why Blue is used in the majority of commercials? (its the most attractive color to the human eye)
But we will let them watch Rambo blow up half a dozen soldiers in some made for TV movie? But don't you dare tell them any thing about nudity. No no No you bad bad puppy. did you know, 70% of marriages around the world end because of bad sexual relations in a marriage?
Maybe drop kicking the pilgrims is too kind! maybe i should take the eye for an eye approach, get drunk, bash their brains in, film it and send it back to the future for a made for Disney movie. yeah i never claimed to have answers, only pent up frustration stemming from lack of nudity in my life all because of some penguin imitators who were to stupid to move SOUTH where its warm and would influence the wearing of less clothes. Maybe that's it! Damn the weather, it caused all this lack of Nudity. damn god for not giving us a clothes repelling body. and maybe damn us....Damn us for not being vocal enough against this squeaky wheel mentality we have here. we are too easy going to protest, i guess this is what we deserve. even no decision is a decision, just like zero is a number. Damn us all for embracing violence over nudity.
I think will go stand in front of a mrror , beat myself up and feel better about my self.
****Note: the picture displayed was chosen because in my eyes, there is nothing more beautiful then when a new mother stands before a mirror and smiles at the birth of her child. its the beginning of the circle of life and holds so much promise. and that in itself is beautiful.****
this is theMightyThor saying
1 comment:
haha, nice title
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