While i fully understand the Internet is still predominately male between the ages of 10-99, are they really THAT horny? Imagine if you will for one second, almost every one of them coming to youtube, they see a pretty face, click the video.
Click a Date perhaps? cant be that easy can it? Wow, if so i am dating a lot of Internet hotties! funny how they never seem to call back? Am i a premature Clicker? WHAT? my doctor says it happens to everyone, he swears!
I can easily see the attraction: doe eyed, brown hair, demur and almost subservient looking in action and manner. if i didn't know any better, i would say she was the perfect model for cartoon amine female, which i am a fan of by the way.
The Biggest failings of most human beings, is the inability to do research. No one wants to take the time to do it, its too time consuming. Oh yeah like, there is so much going on you cant Google something. Pulllleease! how bout you skip five minutes on the American idol site and give it a go, eh? it seems everyone wants all information right out there on a silver platter. F-ing Slackers!
Maybe its because of the type of work i am in, Computer programming, that makes it easy for me to think logically. I need to find something(step 1), i go to Google(step2), i type in the object of my research(step 3) and BANG! i read thru the findings(step 4). Ok, its stuff nerds dream about: records, listings, statistics, information blabbade blah blah Puke! (Ooops did i get my nerd goop on you, geeze ma bad!)
Well what do you know, everyone is talking about Magibon(Mririan). Seems she is "weird". "I mean really, she just sits and stares at a camera, mutters some words in Japanese" (which she learned on her own i might add, lets see you do it) and shyly smiles to the outside world. and your problem with that is?
Everyone has tried to grasp the concept of Magibon. Brookers went for the obvious: "its an internet ad agency building up to a movie advertisement". meh, She's still bitter over that whole lonelyGirl15 thingy. Hughsnews, my friend, went the same route, but can ya blame him? i'd follow brookers off a cliff, but only because she would make me laugh all the way down. (ok i find her quite beautiful as well, so i got that going for me too!). I could probably go on about who has said what about Magibon, but why bother? remember people, nerd here! i mean "RESEARCH NERD" here. didnt we just share an intimate moment involving nerd goop?
Before i reveal anything about magibon, let me make one thing perfectly clear, i love the mystery that surrounds her. I think it is stunning and quite humorous to watch the younger pack of wolves run circles around her trying to invade the geisha robes, and she merely bats an eyelash at them and they are gone. No i wont reveal a thing about her to you, how ever, you will be left with my impression of her from what i found on the net.
from my sources, she is bright and articulate but does have a temper. (Who doesnt?) When she isnt looking like a gorgeous come to life anime character on youtube, she actually resembles a younger jessica alba. (if you did your research you would know what i am talking about).
She actually Lives within the walls of a ninja filled monastery, protected at all times against evil. Many reports state that on any new moon night, she rises from her balcony during a song bird like incantation and lights the skys over the mountains of japan until the Moon comes back to its waxing phase. (The locals say this is done to keep Godzilla from attacking Tokyo). Many a dignitary has sought council with her and they say she speaks many languages but thru person to person telepathy. infact, only the recipient of the telepathy truly knows what happens during those moments of connection with the mythical Magibon. others only shrink from a ultra bright light emanating from the meeting point.
her videos on youtube are actually secret messages to the world out side and can only be heard by those that have had council with her. the head movements, eye movements and bashful looks are all parts of a language she created during her "learning period" prior to being released on the world form her tropical kingdom some where near the Easter islands.
Oh yeah that http://www.magibon.com/ site, evil. Yes the imps of the demonic world had only one place to send her a message, so they dressed up in robes and gas masks, couldnt hold the camera straight, much less line the projector up right. The drawings really sucks, which shows how un-creative they are and the Japanese language is suspect. i translated it, it basically says , "we love cows, cows go moo. i want to ride a rubber chicken. i will name my rubber chicken magibon".
(in actuality the site was set up by a film student in sweden who thought it would make a good web series, he discusses it in this link: http://xorsyst.com/stuff/magibonfreakout.htm
In closing, irregardless of what you think about Magibon, you have to give her credit. her dream was to go to japan from her island kingdom. before she could do that she needed to earn money to give to the poor there. so she recognized her powers over the less intellectual males of this world, and taking full advantage of that got a partnership with youtube and averages about 1.2 million views for each 30-45 second clip of her eating pizza. (I hear that is magical pizza and is sprinkled with Unicorn Horn dust, which revives her powers. she uses pizza because the horn dust tastes like Maguwai poop, go figure)
yes i think she is intelligent. Yes i think she is humorous and has a great sense of comedy. Yeah, i think she is beautiful. yes i am a fan.And NO I DONT WANT TO BANG her! frankly, she'd unbutton one of her a shirt buttons and i would be done. and there is no doctor thats gonna tell me that happens to every one!
this is theMightythor saying
I'm investigating this "phenomenae", and I read your blog/post with interest.
I have a blog http://blogs.montevideo.com.uy/chazz
Make your own conclusions.
Actually, the drawing sucks because it's part of the act... duh... Frank is a psychopath stalker. He wasn't supposed to be Picasso. :)
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