Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Fleeting Sense of FAME

So i have 45 minutes to go at work, i write to fast, i get my work done too fast. it leaves me time to blog.

I am watching every one, "rise to fame" on youtube. i think its a funny thing. i think just about every single one of them deserve it. But here is my quandary with FAME. its not EVER LASTING.

I was trying to make this point to KevJumba in Toronto and failed miserably because i don't think he understood where i was coming from. But lets give it a go here, shall we?

What is FAME? yeah i can cop out and quote Andy Warhol and go with the old fifteen minutes of fame theory but, WHY? Why beat a dead horse? Its a Beaten to death. it not only has been beaten to death but i am pretty sure the horse has been pulverised into fertilizer, but i digress.

No matter the degree of overused something is, if it is tried and true, it always rings true, at least in this case.

Lets take the Youtube fame thingy-mabob. FAME is like a tide, its up and its down, its up and its down, its up and its down. (Are you getting seasick yet?) Youtube seems to twist and twirl that FAME genre and throw it down to the ground to do a little Mexican hat dance on FAME.

Lets face it, nothing lasts for ever. Since my time on youtube, I have watched some talented people disappear and watch new ones emerge. They stay for a bit, Play with the idea that they have some form of celebrity then, cant take the illusion of Youtube FAME and vanish. Lets site the Case of DaxFlame or Currently FRED. their Acts, their Videos have shelf life. Most people in this world have Shelf Life. What is Shelf Life? the Time that this act will take to go stale and no one will want it anymore. think of it as an expiration date on milk or eggs?

this is one of the tried and true ideas of all things, NOTHING SHOULD EVER stay the SAME. But this is one of those OLD rules people seem to forget and thus they succumb to there own shelf life and vanish.

What can save you from Shelf Life? Re-invention. And here is the point i failed to make to KevJumba. It doesn't Matter what you are doing right now, your FAME is fleeting. Your Shelf Life, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS, will over take you and you will get tired and old. (Well At least your act will)

You have to be like the MR.Saftey's, Nalts, LisaNovas of this world and keep re-inventing your fame. The Question is, how many more times will they continue to do it?

Why didn't i Mention Michael Buckley in here? I think Buckely is a unique character and person. I think of all the people i know or have met, Michael will make the crossover from Youtube celebrity to strict writer/producer and be none the worst for wear when he does. Because even he will admit to you, he knows he has shelf life.

What about me you ask? Do i think i am above this fray? Absolutely freaking NOT. i don't play on youtube for FAME, its a hobby and its fun. Yeah I'll be first to admit i am an attention whore but not to the extent that it over takes my life. There is no Priority to get a video done, I'll get to it. I will also be content to meet the people who come and go.

I Said it Once, I'll say it again. I'll still be here, even after you have gone. I mean after all, this place does still need a janitor doesn't it?

This is the Mighty Thor, Talking about FAME and wondering, WHEN will you vanish?


Thursday, September 11, 2008

What Is Love, Baby Dont hurt me?

So i was sitting around the other day and got my self thinking on the topic of the Phrase, I LOVE YOU. Hmmmm I Love You. WHY? if you arent in my immediate family, arent dating me and dont intend to date me, is that really the right choice of words? Shocked? probably, however, let me explain.
I LOVE YOU is a reserve phrase, it can not be bandied about like a kite on a string in my world. Ok maybe i am being narrow minded, but hear me out. I LOVE YOU is sacred to me, just like sex. Yeah, you can say it or do it, but how do you feel afterwards. I dont say I LOVE YOU to Friends, unless they have been friends a LONG time. And even then its Love ya man, or Luv Ya Dude/Chick.

When my nieces and nephews say it to me, i know what they mean and while i like to hear it, its not exactly LOVE. They LOVE me because i spoil them. Their concept of love at this point in time revolves around toys, candy and a big scoop of Dip n Dots Ice cream. Thats fine, they are kids after all. Thats Not Love. Thats Caring, thats treating some one kindly "LIKE" instead of "LOVE". I can say do it for the love of my brother.

Confused yet? I'm am getting there.

I have heard the phrase tossed around like a sack of mcdonalds fries to the point were it becomes ubiquitous with hello. And in hearing it handled in that manner, makes me wonder if peoples concept of love has been degraded in our "i want it all Now" society.

Too many people want it too fast, they want it too soon. Patience, in this world, is gold or diamonds that are deep with in the mines of a persons soul that they, themselves, know its there. They are just waiting for it to mine itself out and have it fall into their being. Until that Happens, they fill the happy void with the phrase I LOVE YOU like it is emotional dynamite. Yeah, one thing wrong with that plan, they didnt hook the fuse up to that dynamite, so every time the lever is pushed down, it emits sparks some where in an undisclosed location, no where near the stack of dynamite it is meant to fire off.

What about Love at first site? to me that falls into the romantic category. Yes i believe in Love at first site, i have had love at first site. some times it was actual love and sometimes it was just Lust disguised as cute and fuzzy bunny called LOVE. However, that is my only exception of when I LOVE YOU is not wasted. And while this is a tad off topic, i do believe people are "fated" to be together, that there is a connection from a past life that ties souls together. Not every soul recognizes the other soul from that past life connection, yet they are inextricably drawn to each other until they either realize it, or deny it. But thats another blog.

So Back to the matter at hand. I believe I LOVE YOU should be EARNED. I think it should be fought for tooth, nail and finger, maybe a foot. I think the old description of a Knight going off to slay a dragon before being married to the princess applies to my belief. WHY? Because its not a candy bar, its not ice cream, its not a toy. It is a deep emotional feeling that is craved by every human soul in this world. It is the same emotion that drives one to company to stave off the feeling of being alone or unwanted. IT MEANS THINGS to people. It will also confuse people.

How many times in your life have you heard some one question you "BUT...BUT you said you love me?". I find it odd that people really dont comprehend the amount of people who disgnate them selves as "LONELY" souls, LOST souls or LOVE SEEKING MAGNETS. ( ok i threw that in cause it sounded funny, but that my description, LOVE SEEKING MAGNET).

This is why Stalkers exist, as far as i am concerned. Not every one is as smart as you would like them to be. Peoples conception of their own reality surrounding them can be tilted or off base enough so they misinterpet a Smile?, a gesture, a PHRASE like I LOVE YOU. To most people there are not seven degrees of seperation when it comes to LOVE, it either IS or ISNT.
Lonely people tend to gravitate towards the "LOVE GIVERS" like a person leaving a darkened cave seeking light and warmth. Think about it for a second. Your concept of LOVE is not theirs.

Too many times we think because, WE understand what we mean, EVERY ONE gets it.
Sorry people this really is a DOG eat DOG world. It is that way because so many people have so many ways to think about their realities and definitions of their vocabulary. So many people leave it to so many others to interpet their actions and words.

Stil not getting it? Let me put it to you this way. You Love your mom, dad or some immediate family member. Why? CAUSE THEY EARNED IT. You love your DOG or CAT or what ever PET you have WHY? because they EARNED IT. they earned it by being there for you both emotionally and physically. they have braved a path for you to walked down unharmed. THEY SLAYED the DRAGON for you.

got it YET? how bout this? If i loved you and a bus was barreling uncontrollabley towards you and i was the only one that could save you and it meant giving up my life, i wouldnt think twice about it.

This is the way i look at LOVE. EARN IT, dont assume its like the virtual candy bar. (nom nom nom dont you love it). If you are offended by this post, ask yourself why? I wasnt offended when you said you love me, i understood our concepts are different. No harm, No foul. I'm a realist, and i like things Black and White.

This is the Mighty Thor, standing in for Cupid, who is currently drunk on an island in fiji, with your lesson on the Phrase "I LOVE YOU". SEEEEEEE YAAAAAA!